So we only got about half of our preparation day today, so I'm just sharing pictures and I'll include more when we fit in the other half of our day later this week. We got a call this morning from some sisters who needed our help with transfers. So we got to spend half the day driving them around and having a blast, despite losing time to actually go shopping and do normal preparation day activities
-I FINALLY MADE IT TO BATESVILLE! One of my best friends, Jake, is from Batesville Indiana, and today I got to make a trip there and it was so much fun. So I took fun pictures of me with the signs and with a cute butterfly mural
- Me with Sister Compton, who's serving in Batesville but is being transferred to Xenia, where I just barely left!
-We got OCM masks! So we had to take a picture (featuring from top left to bottom right, Sister Dymock, Sister France, Sister Felton, Sister Cox, Sister Odom, Sister Olsen, and me!)
-We went on exchanges but had a technology call during it (a call with the technology specialists where we discuss how we can best help the Facebook page grow). From Top left to bottom right we have Sister Odom, Sister Olsen, Elder Williams, Elder Chidester, Sister Bliss, Sister Felton, Sister Peterson, and Sister Gilmore
-Me and Sister Felton with the Canes we bought while on exchanges. It was a party of a day. We also got to borrow the Elders' car because the Crittenden sisters had their car in the shop so we did a car share with the Elders. They drive a Rav4 and let me tell ya, it's a nice car!
-Us and the Crittenden sisters. Need I say more with this weird one? 
-A skyline picture of Cincinnati and night that someone sent me!
I hope you're all doing great! Life is good here and it's been a great week. My big thing I learned this week was that when people serve, they forget themselves and their own problems. It's one of the most therapeutic things.
Sure love you!
Sister Bliss
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