What a week! I'm super tired, but it's okay because it's all been worth it!
The "Field Trip" Version:
-Emergency sleepovers
The Full Version:
Wow, this week was a good one! The two biggest highlights were:
We got to have a few emergency overnighters. One was the night before Zone Conference when some sisters had their fire alarm go off and woke up scared and didn't know what to do so they called us and came over to stay the night. The second was when we were already about to have an emergency exchange for a Sister who was struggling and by the time we got there, their fire alarm ALSO went off (this was the very next night might I add) and they ended up coming to our place as a bunch of fire trucks were showing up (they were staying in a hotel due to apartment renovations). Basically, it was a crazy time and I'm so low on sleep due to that and Zone Conference planning. It's okay though because I'll just catch up on rest one day after this life
Sister Odom mentioned earlier that I should take a nap and my automatic response was "I'll just sleep when I'm dead". To all you moms out there who sacrifice sleep so often for your children: YOU ARE AMAZING AND SO APPRECIATED! 

ZONE CONFERENCE! This was a blast. It was very strange the way it was run with Covid restrictions though. We had to split the zone into two groups to allow for no more than 25 people in the meeting, we all had to wear masks unless we were at the front of the room giving a training, and they gave us boxed lunch because we couldn't stay and eat together like we normally would. We had one meeting in Norwood Ohio, then we rushed over to Lawrenceburg Indiana for the second one. We're really hopeful that next Zone Conference will be less restricted, but for the time being this was okay because we at least got to see people. Plus, I got to spend a day in three different states, which was pretty cool and totally worth it.
President Ensign talked to us for a little while about basic people manners and how to work with members and show real gratitude and love for them. He really focused it on how the people skills we learn as Missionaries will last us the rest of our lives. The assistants gave a training on getting members involved with teaching. They again used the clip from Inside Out and all the Missionaries were so cute and awestruck as they got to watch part of a Disney movie for the first time in so long
Elder Graves specifically picked on me to make sure I was okay (Since it make me cry during our Mission Leadership Council). Finally, WE got to give our training! We and the Zone Leaders gave two trainings. The first was on how to involve members in the Facebook page, and the second was the importance of the Safeguards for using technology. The latter was a powerful training because right now there are more dangers than ever as we're on our phones all the time. Many sisters have had inappropriate men send them pictures, and missionaries near and in our mission have already had to go home due to inappropriate people blackmailing them on Facebook. It breaks our hearts to think of any of the Missionaries in our zone being taken advantage of simply because we do missionary work on our phones more now. So we expressed our love, talked about the importance of learning and following and safeguards, and showed the Missionaries how to do a device audit with their companions by doing a live device audit with Elder Chidester's phone and jokingly hiding pictures of him with a beard for Elder Williams to find!
It was a fun time giving these trainings to our wonderful Zone. For our member training we put together a COMPETITION for the zone! We made a killer trophy that I'll send pictures of next week, and whoever can get the most points out of making videos and posts for Facebook with members involved will win the trophy. We're going to let all the winners sign the trophy and have it be an Ohio Cincinnati Mission relic to go around the mission. Everyone was really excited about it and it was a fun thing to pump everyone up with.
I hope you all have a fantastic week! Love you!
Sister Bliss
*Us with the Lakeside Park sisters, Sister Cook and Sister Edwards, during our mini exchange
*A member gave us Chipotle gift cards for dinner the day before Zone Conference. We were very happy that night
*Me and Sister Odom tired out soon after Zone Conference. (Featurong my spray painted hand that everyone at Zone Conference asked me about all day. I couldn't wash off the spray paint after finishing the trophy the day before. I still have leftover residue 3 days later and I've scrubbed that hand 100 times by now, I swear!)
*Zone Leadership matching because we're the best! Sister Odom had two polka dot dresses, so we had to match of course!
*I just thought this last picture was funny because I took a close up picture and the Elders actually joined in and smiled for it. Can we just appreciate the state my hair was in and how tired I looked right after Zone Conference?
I also included two random photos
*A quote about hope that someone sent me and that I loved!
*....I finally recieved the dreaded "My Plan".... For some reason someone seems to think I'm going home in a couple of months? Who do I need to talk to to tell them there was a mistake and I'm not done yet? 
P.S. Dear family. I promise I really am coming home on time, I wouldn't do that to you 
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