Happy Thursday everyone!
The "Field Trip" Version:
We got to spend a preparation day with our district; I set the oven on fire; I'm now serving in KENTUCKY; I am the mom of the zone (aka a Sister Training Leader);
The Full Version:
Yes, my preparation got moved to Thursday AGAIN because I was moved to a new area! But first, I have some fun stories from last week.
Last week we got to get together with other missionaries for the first time in forever and it was amazing! I included some pictures below. We went for a hike and visited the mound that was near us.
Oh yeah, I also SET OUR OVEN ON FIRE. I was trying to make chips like Sister Lamarche (a previous companion) taught me to do a few weeks back, but I apparently put them in for too long. As I was just about to check on them, Sister Nelson opened the oven to find them in flames. Like, literal flames. As in, I could have made a s'more on them
Luckily, Sister Nelson is a quick thinker and she got the sink sprayer and sprayed down the chips until the flames were out. Sadly, I did not get to eat chips and guacamole that day...
The rest of the week consisted of normal lessons, finding, and video making (since that's now a normal missionary activity). We also had our first District Council IN PERSON, which I included a picture of (it's the weird one of us posing as the painting behind us). But Saturday night we had transfer calls and I found out I would be leaving Xenia. So that leads us to how this week has been going so far!
I am now serving as a Sister Training Leader in the Northern Kentucky area and my new companion is Sister Odom. I'm living in Florence Kentucky and I'm really looking forward to eating some Kentucky Fried Chicken while I'm here, because how can you not? 
For those of you who aren't familiar with what a Sister Training Leader is, we're just basically the Sister version of Zone Leaders. To explain a but better, Sister Odom and I have compared it to being the moms of a zone of missionaries. Our mission has nearly 200 missionaries currently We were almost down to 100 not long ago, but these additional transfers have been adding up fast). Those missionaries are broken up into 5 groups called zones. Our zone is the Cincinnati Zone, and it has 40 missionaries including us and the Zone Leaders. As Sister Training Leaders, we work with the Zone Leaders and together we watch over the other 36 missionaries in the zone, plan Zone Conference and other meetings, and ultimately make sure things run smoothly in the zone. We as Sister Training Leaders also specifically focus on making sure the 16 sisters we have are happy, healthy, safe, and enjoying missionary life!
Being here for the needs of all the other sisters does make for some exciting stories though. Yesterday we had a call with two sisters who told us about a man they had a lesson with in person that night. They have both spent their entire mission in quarantine and there were a few things about this guy that led them to feel a little nervous about the lesson and the man they were teaching, so they asked that we make sure they text us at least an hour after their lesson and to check on them if they don't, in order to make sure they were safe. So, being the moms that we are, we decided to do our own missionary work from our car and followed them to the lesson to make sure they were okay. Then we called part way through the lesson to give them an excuse to leave if something was in fact wrong. All went well and their lesson was actually really good! But it was fun to be there to make sure they were okay
The Zone Leaders have also set their minds to arming all the sisters in the zone for when they get into sketchy situations
(Okay, that one was a joke, they're not doing that)
The moment that we realized we were moms though was when we were texting some sisters today and asking how they were feeling (because they were sick). In response, they told us that one of them was really hungry but wasn't sure what to eat and needed a few suggestions. So we sent a list of foods that are good to eat on an upset stomach. That was the moment that I felt very much like my own mom.
We're teaching some great people in this area as well. I haven't been able to get to know most of them quite yet, but I'll keep y'all updated as I do!
I read a really good talk about forgiveness and how infinate Christ's atonement is for us. It's one of those feel-good type of talks, and I definitely recommend listening to it 
I also recommend taking a look at both the Young Women theme and the Aaronic Priesthood theme. They've been very overlooked by me and some other missionaries around me. But we were talking to some sisters the other day and convinced them and the elders in their area to get some missionaries to make a video of them stating those themes. I love that both start with "I am a beloved daughter/son of God" and that they state so many precious truths that are so important for us to know as children of God!
I love you all so much and hope you're doing great!
Sister Bliss
*Our "missionary army" that we made when Elder Taylor was messing with his panorama option on his phone
*A picture of us on the stairs of the mound (From bottom to top: Elders Robinson, Tolley, and Taylor, me, Sisters Ellis to my right, Nelson to my left, Main, and Sister Lund is planking)
*Another picture of us on the mound
*A picture of me with Sister Odom (to the far left) and Sister Richard's (in the middle). Sister Richards was only with us for one day before she finished her mission and went home.
*Zone Leadership! (Aka, us and the Zone Leaders) From left to right: Me, Sister Odom (who I knew while I was serving in Miamisburg. I LOVE HER), Elder Chidester (who was in the MTC with me and is super awesome), and Elder Williams (who goes home with me and is also really awesome)
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