Hello everyone!
The "Field Trip" Version:
We taught a girl abour Jesus; I'm still teaching family history to people and loving it; the importance of spiritual armor; sister calls and hula dancing; I SAID A PRAYER IN ASL; an amazing experience with priesthood blessings
The Full Version:
It has been an awesome last few days, filled with some amazingly and wonderfully spiritual experiences.
We had a few neat lessons this week, but one that really stood out to me was with a 10 year old girl named Vanessa. She's super sweet and has been taught for quite some time. We felt like we should talk about Christ's life on earth and just focus on him for a lesson, and when we called her we found out that she had been having a hard day, so we adjusted the lesson to talk about how Christ knows exactly what we go through. It was really powerful because I've always struggled at teaching simply, but in that moment I felt like I just knew exactly how she needed to be taught. The spirit is real and really does help 
We have a friend, Nathan, who I met on Facebook while in Xenia and we just started teaching him family history. He's AWESOME! We messaged him and told him about the app, and by the time we had an actual lesson with him he'd already inputted all his living relatives and found whole lines of ancestors. Now we're working on teaching him how to put in memories and do other fun things. We're hoping that he'll be interested in learning more about eternal families and why we do family history as we continue to meet with him. Things seem really promising right now 
We had the cutest lesson about building our spiritual armor with the Kibler family yesterday. In the Book of Mormon, our study right now is focused around a bunch of war chapters, so Brother and Sister Kibler put together a fun activity for their little children and made them a bunch of armor that they wore as protection as we all thew wads of paper at them. Then Sister Odom and I showed a fun video and shared a short scripture about Moroni arming his army with weapons. It was a great way to teach their little girls that we also have to arm ourselves in our battle against Satan. If we aren't prepared, he's going to beat us. But we've been given some great weapons (like scriptures, prayer, and a prophet to follow) in order to beat him!
We put together a fun little sisters activity for all the sisters in the zone yesterday. Even our mission nurse joined in
It was really fun to get together since we're limited on how much we can be together currently. Then, to add to the excitement, Sister Saunders (who used to me MY Sister Training Leader) taught us all how to hula dance! 
THAT was a party!
I got to sign a prayer this week! Our ward mission leader's wife is deaf, so our ward mission leader and his daughter taught me how to say a prayer in ASL so I could surprise her when we met with them on Sunday for the sacrament. It was so amazing! We're now planning on learning a lesson in ASL so next week when we go we can teach a lesson in ASL so her family doesn't have to interpret for us.
This last week there were some sisters who were really struggling in their area. After talking to them, they asked if they were allowed to ask for priesthood blessings with all the Covid rules and we assured them they were. However, because we aren't allowed to have even numbers (we can't get together with two Elders and two Sisters), they asked us to join them while they got priesthood blessings (which worked because then there would be four Sisters and two Elders). I am so grateful I was asked to join because it was one of the most amazingly spiritual moments any of us have had in a very long time. The Elders ended up giving all four of us blessings, as at the end we all paused and agreed that the spirit that was there in that moment was very similar to the spirit that is felt when visiting the temple. In addition to it being amazing because priesthood blessings are so strengthening and we all got some much needed answers, it was a wonderful reminder to each of us that, while temples may be shut down now, or there may be others reasons throughout our life that we are unable to visit the temple, we can create temples where we are in moments that we need it. Our homes can be temples as we live righteously. Our study desks can be temples as we study and seek answers. Our rooms can become temples as we kneel in prayer each day. I know many of us miss the many wonderful blessings that come from visiting the temple, or even just meeting with our wards (I don't know about y'all, but I'm back to no church at all because Kentucky doesn't allow gatherings yet), but that same spirit and those same blessings are in fact still available to us as we seek them out 
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!
Love, Sister Bliss
So apparently my pictures got messed up again last week, so here's some pictures from both last week and this week!
*Me with the Florence watertower sign. It originally said "Florance Mall", but they weren't allowed to advertise on it, so they had to change to to "Florance Y'all". Now it's so popular that one of the schools actually has that watertower as their mascot and they're school is the Y'alls. That's the kind of school I wish I could have gone to 
*Zone Leadership! (Aka, us and the Zone Leaders) From left to right: Me, Sister Odom (who I knew while I was serving in Miamisburg. I LOVE HER), Elder Chidester (who was in the MTC with me and is super awesome), and Elder Williams (who goes home with me and is also really awesome)
*We FINALLY got our new missionary handbooks! They were announced last September or October and we've been having to read it on our phones ever since
*Sister Odom and I doing service for a member
*Sister Merrell, Sister Nelson, and I on our last day together
*Today our district got together and played some volleyball outside and had a good time 
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