The "Field Trip" Version:
-All of the emergencies happened
-Mission Leadership Council
-Teaching in ASL
The Full Version:
Wow, this has been a crazy week! I've learned a lot about prioritizing, because our plans can never stay the same in a single day
In the last 7 nights, we've had sisters over 4 of those nights due to some emergency situations. We had one night that we had to drop all our plans to help a sister who was struggling. It was a really neat experience because we all have important things in our lives that are sometimes overrun when something more important gets in the way. I was reminded of a church video of a mom who was desperately trying to get all of her daily tasks done for the day but things kept getting in the way. At the end of the day she felt tired and as if she hadn't done anything, but you could see the number of lives she had touched throughout the day by what she had done. I've had many instances this week in which we finished a day without getting to a single task for the people we were teaching. But, for that specific day, stopping to help someone in need, or helping move sisters out of an unsafe apartment were more important than making a few calls and sending a few texts.
We had MLC (Mission Leadership Council) this week and it was so much fun! MLC is a meeting where our mission President and his wife, the Assistants to the president, and all of the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders in the mission get together to talk about how to best help the missionaries in the mission and talk about what we're teaching in Zone Conference. Since then, we've been discussing plans for Zone Conference because we're in charge of running it and we're really excited!
We got to teach our ward mission leader's family in ASL! Sister Kelly is the member I mentioned last week who is deaf. Last week I prayed in ASL and this week Sister Odom taught me enough so that we could have a simple lesson about repentance. We spoke as we taught it, but we also signed so she didn't have to depend on her husband translating. Though theybwere really simple signs that we used, she teared up as we bore our testimonies of how much Jesus Christ loves us and how his atonement heals us. It was wonderful to see how something so small could mean so much to someone 
I learned a fun little rhyme from my grandpa when I was a child. I thought of it a lot this week.
"Good, better, best
Never let it rest
Until the good is better
And the better is best!"
Commitment of the week:
Take something good you're doing and do something to make it better. Then, go ahead and make it the best! 
I hope you all have an amazing week!
Sister Bliss
*Our video call with Sister Palmer, Sister Compton, and Sister Saunders with their new companion!
*For MLC, we and the Elders wanted to show up proving that we work together as leadership. So I made us matching "Cincy" masks!
*Jersey Mike's after MLC!
*We did service and I got to use a machete. I was very happy
*We did service as a district by cleaning the church grounds! Sister Guthrie even joined us for the day because her companion was going to a baptism (she couldn't go as well because of the limit of people who can attend baptisms at the moment)
*One time on a District Leader call (every night we and the Zone Leaders call a district leader in the zone to see how he and his district are doing) Elder Chidester was showing us something and we leaned in close to see it and someone caught a picture of it. They then proceeded to make a meme out of it
*Sister Lamarche and Sister Meade on a video call with us and the Zone Leaders
*We needed to borrow two eggs to make cookies for someone. The Elders had exactly two left. They were ones they used for a video, so this is what they looked like.
*Sister Guthrie, Me, and Sister Odom the day we got to hang out while Sister Buxton when to a baptism in Crittenden!
And this last one is my favorite
*I'll just leave this picture here with no explanation. Meet Sister Rage, Sister Savage, Sister Bliss, Sister Scared, and Sister Sad
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