Hello! As always. Things have been crazy. So here a few important things I did/learned these last two weeks.
We survived Stake Reports! That's a meeting where the Zone Leadership meets with the Stake President and the Mission President to talk about how missionary work has been going. President Ensign wasn't there this time, but it was still a good time and still very intimidating to meet with leaders of the church in this area.
We meditated this Sunday for our exercise time in the middle of the day because I've been a ball of stress lately. Within about 15 minutes I was OUT and I slept for a solid 30 minutes or so until Sister Odom had to wake me up 
I learned something really neat this week about helping others. There are a couple of sisters who were really struggling and we were trying to think of ways to help them. Despite always needing our support for things, they also always offer to do anything for us if we ever need it because they are our Sister Training Leaders as they put it
We realized just how much they appreciated feeling needed, and that was really good to know later on when I began struggling myself. As I said before, I'm a ball of stress lately, but I had one week in particular in which I was really struggling and kept thinking of these sisters. So we finally decided to text them and ask if I could just rant to them during dinner because I needed my Sister Training Leaders. They ended up showing up at our door with pizza for dinner to give me support! You could see the joy in their face at being able to help me, and since then our relationship with them has been even stronger. It was an amazing lesson to see just how much someone can be helped if you simply allow them to serve you in return 
Love y'all tons!
Sister Bliss
-Sister Odom and I struggle to make outside time a priority (we're supposed to be outside for two hours a day) so our District Leader Elder Lister, asked us to send proof that we went outside. I forgot how pretty it was out there! (Just kidding, I promise we go outside a little bit every day at least)
-I still annoyingly take pictures with every single item that ever has my name on it
-The day of transfers we got our new OCM (Ohio Cincinnati Mission) masks! Now we can all be "matching pirates" as President Ensign puts it
-We froze while on a call with our District Leader and he thought it was funny and sent it to us. Then we also thought it was really funny so now I'm sending it to y'all!
-I started making "Dragon eggs" (long story short, they're just fun crafts) and I gave one to a sister who came over one night and loved it. However. Because of the circumstances behind why she came over, she was too tired to remember most of the night and she texted us the next morning to say she found this egg in a nest she made for it without remembering any of it. I love that this sleep deprived sister's automatic instinct was to nurture the egg.
-A really bad picture of the trophy I keep mentioning! It has "OCM on top and "202" down the middle because that's our baptism goal for the year. All the future winners of the trophy will get to sign it. This is going to be a mission relic!
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