Brief highlights of the week:
-Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac. I don't know which one it was, but it was miserable. Definitely not a highlight, but a big part of the week
-Batesville day! We spent a day in Batesville so we could go on exchanges with both sets of sisters who serve there
-We had a script read through for a little Facebook series that's being put together. A lot of work is being put into it by some really talented people, so it should be really good. I'll talk more about it when it starts getting posted, and I'll share it to my Facebook as well!
-Our friend Chuck is getting baptized this week, so much preparation is needing to happen. That's definitely been keeping us busy.
-I was reminded that a consecrated missionary (or a consecrated disciple of Jesus Christ) is not someone who is perfect. We will never be perfect, and just being you're serving a mission does not mean you're suddenly set to a standard of being perfect. What is asked of you is that you give your all to God and give him your heart and desires and dreams. He asks your dedication, not your perfection.
-I got to sing with a Sister in the zone for a Facebook video that we're working on putting together. It was lots of fun 
Besides that, we just had huge changes for transfers! Sister Odom is leaving and Sister Ellis is coming in her place. She was in my district before I came to Kentucky, so I'm excited to get her here! The Zone Leaders are also getting Elder Bruce and turning into a trio! The mission got 20 new missionaries, so there was a lot of crazy change, but change is exciting! Even if I'll miss Sister Odom like crazy 

Anyway. Those are my nuggets for the week! Love y'all lots!
Sister Bliss
*Three different pictures of us with Sister Meade (red hair) and Sister Lamarche (Blonde hair)
*A picture that makes it look like I'm lovingly staring at the McDonald's sign 
*Batesville 2 sisters! (Left to right: Me, Sister Odom, Sister Marsh, Sister Riley, Sister Laurence)
Batesville 1 Sisters! (Sister Palmer is the big one, then on top is Sister Saunders and Sister ME, and below us is Sister Odom and Sister Merrell)
-Me and Sister Cook when we sang together a few days ago
-Our last Zone Leadership picture before the Zone Leadership changes
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