Hello Brothers, Sisters, and Elders!
Though honestly, it's pretty much the easiest thing to find at least one interesting thing that happened to me all week to make as my subject line
Just imagine the busiest week you've ever had. Maybe you had to help someone pack and then had a birthday party another day and a dinner reservation another and a service project to make it to the day after that, all with other activities packed in between. Now times that by 10 and you can imagine the life of a missionary.
I believe it was yesterday that we were with a friend named Missy who's son and mom are recent members and we were catching up on how she'd been doing when suddenly a car came racing down the middle of the neighborhood road. I turned to see the commotion and said "Oh, that's Seth!" and Missy was surprised that we knew him. He was someone we'd been teaching so we knew what drama was going on, and that's when I realized just how much we know about everything because of how many close friendships we build.
It rained all week and we basically were on flash flood watch constantly. Any area of water here it totally flooded. Speaking of which, they have a reservoir here but I'm disappointed in them because they don't shorten it down the "the rez" like us Delta folk.
We had Zone Conference on Wednesday. Which feels crazy because it feels almost like it was weeks ago since so much happens every day out here. It was our last time seeing our current Mission President and his wife, and we'll be getting a new president here in a short while.
After reading my email about who's in our district and that we're "stuck with the same district leader" my mom commented on it and told me that I need to clarify that I don't actually mean it the way I said it cause I actually love Elder Widmer and think he's the best. My entire first transfer he always picked on Sister Priego and me and we honestly thought he might hate us, but since then he's started be nicer and apologized for teasing us too much. I still thought he was cool last transfer though. But for my mom's sake, I would like to clarify that I am not "stuck with" him, I am in fact very happy to keep him as district leader this transfer.
Speaking of Elder Widmer, this week I'm going to be lazy and just use for my email commitment the same commitment he gave in his talk in church yesterday...
In our Preach my Gospel books we have a chapter specifically called "Christlike Attibutes" and it's meant to use as a way of studying some of the attributes that Christ had in order to improve those qualities in ourselves and become more like him.
The attributes it includes are:
Faith in Jesus Christ
Charity and Love
My invitation to all of you is to pick one of these attributes and study it as you try to improve upon it in your own life. If you need some tips on how to study them, Preach my Gospel in the gospel library has lots of good scriptures and if you email me I'd also be happy to send pictures of any of the topic pages with extra scriptures to check out if needed.
I hope you all have an amazing week!
Sure love you!
-Sister Bliss
My selfies with the cute Abston kids and another Book of Mormon that we put in a cute little outdoor library.
The best screenshot I could get from the video we took of the flooded roads during all the rain this week.
I also included my favorite rendition of the Tree of Life from 1 Nephi 8. It's from Becky Craven's Careful versus Casual talk, but it's in the Gospel Library app and not the ensign version.
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