Wow, it's crazy to think I've been here an entire transfer (6 weeks) already! We had transfer calls Saturday night ti know who's being moved where. Sister Priego and I get to stick around, which is good because she's basically my bestie and I'm going to miss her like crazy when I eventually get a new companion. We'll also be stuck with our same district leader, but other than that our whole district will be different. The other sisters we had are leaving because we killed one off (this transfer was Sister Romrell's last one before she went home) and the other one, Sister Gardner, is going to be a Sister Training Leader. In their place we're getting a set of elders instead, so we get to be the only sisters in the district, wish us luck 
This week was filled with some amazing experiences. We put John on date, we finally found out what was stopping Brennae (a cute 11 year old) from progressing and now she seems to be moving along a lot better, and we got to do a lot of service for people. The bugs here are a lot bigger than the ones in Utah. We saw like 5 daddy long legs that were twice as big as normal just crawling up someone's house the other day. It was no big deal until I looked down and saw one on my leg and freaked out. Everyone keeps telling us they can't bite us, but that does nothing to stop them from being creepy 🤣
One of my goals recently has been to work on being exactly obedient. I'm not necessarily being disobedient currently, but I have a hard time getting up in the morning and using my time as wisely as I should, so it's something that I know will bless me if I can master it. As I've been working on being better I've found a quote that I love and wanted to share.
"How are you?
Better than I was but not as good as I am going to be...Trying a little harder to be a little better!"
-Ardeth G. Kapp
Last week I listened to a talk Elder Holland gave in the MTC titled Feed my Sheep. It tells the story of Peter and the apostles and compared Jesus asking Peter to feed his sheep to how we as missionaries (and all members) are asked to feed his sheep.
We cannot make it back to our Heavenly Father without loving Christ. We cannot gain the salvation and exaltation and eternal joy we all want without loving Christ. And Christ asks us to feed his sheep if we love him. Back before my mission, sharing the gospel sounded like a scary thing. But it's amazing to see just how easy it is if your life is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and you're not afraid to talk about what you believe in when it comes up naturally. Nothing in my life has been more fulfilling or brought me more joy than sharing the gospel and serving others.
Just as Peter was asked to leave his fishing boat and oars behind and feed Christ's sheep forever, I'm so grateful to know that I've been called to feed his sheep forever as well. I know this gospel is true with every fiber of my being, and when the day comes to leave Ohio and go back home I'll be going home knowing that now I just get to do missionary work somewhere else and without a name tag.
Invitation of the week!
Pray for missionarie opportunities and don't be afraid to talk about what you believe in and invite someone to church or to try out family search or come to a ward activity. I promise that as you seek out opportunities to spread the gospel you'll be blessed and find joy that can only be found through forgetting yourself and serving others.
Sure love you all!
-Sister Bliss
Sister Priego and I went to a graduation party for the sister of Belle (the girl who was baptized my first week) and the two deaf girls we're teaching. We got some fun pictures there and got to jam out to music for the first time in awhile, so it was an interesting experience. The children were adorable and they all love us so they'd drag me up onto the dance floor to dance with them occasionally.
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