I'm a day late, but I'd like to wish all the fathers out there a happy Father's Day. I'm so grateful for my father and the wonderful example he's been to me of hard work. Whenever I feel too tired to go on I remember that my dad would never quit and I get back up and continue forward.
I'm also so grateful for my father in heaven and the guidance he's given me. I can't begin to comprehend his love for me and that gives me a strength that no earthly thing can. I feel so blessed to be able to feel his love in my life because I know there are those who don't. But I promise each and every one of you that he is there. He loves you and hears your prayers, whether or not you feel like he does. He wants you to reach out to him and push through the hard times and return to him again one day. I can't express enough the gratitude I have for my knowledge of my Heavenly Father and his plan of happiness and the purpose it gives me in my life 💖
Happy Fathers Day to both my earthly and heavenly father who care for and love me as much as they do!!!
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