I hope you don't mind our amateur video skills. We had lots of fun putting together this simple video about what the First Vision is!
As we've been in quarantine we've had time to reflect more on this special message that we share as Missionaries. With General Conference coming up fast, this is an even more exciting time to reflect on what Joseph Smith's first vision means to us.
Before my mission, I never fully understood what Joseph Smith's first vision meant to me and how much it has impacted my life. There are many people who wonder where to turn to for truth, which can be a very hard thing to find when there are thousands of Christian churches all teaching slightly (and sometimes less than slightly) different teachings from the same Bible. Thanks to Joseph Smith and his faith and desire to know for himself which church was true, we now have today the same church that Jesus Christ himself established during his time on earth. We have the same church again with prophets and apostles, teaching the same teachings that Christ taught. We have the Book of Mormon, which supports and testifies of the Bible while clarifying teachings that have been misinterpreted throughout time. Above all else, we again have the same priesthood power that prophets and apostles of old had, that gives us the opportunity to be sealed to our families for eternity and make promises with our Heavenly Father like baptism so that we can live with him again one day.
If anyone would like a copy of the Book of Mormon I would be more than happy to get one to you. It truly has changed my life for the better, and I promise anyone who will read it with an open heart that they will know that it truly is the word of God, given to us by a father in heaven who loves us. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's restored church on the earth today and I know that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us and is always there for us when we need him 

Video Sister Bliss and Sister Morales created:
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