Good afternoon brothers and sisters!
So apparently I'm really struggling when it comes to subject lines since last week I didn't even put one on accident
So bonus points go to any if my friends and family who actually read my email even though it just said "(no subject)".
We went on exchanges this week and our Sister Training Leaders came to our area where we split up for a day. That morning for breakfast I worked on one of my transfer goals by making everyone breakfast! I've been learning to cook more things, so I made a bunch of different fried eggs for everyone and Sister Gallup dubbed me a "cooking queen", which is funny because I can still barely cook
But at least after this week I know how to cook a lot of different egg recipes. Then we split up and I was with Sister Lewis and we had an amazing day and taught about how the gospel can bless families 
We had a lesson with Matthew (the man who's on date for baptism) this week along with his girlfriend Sister Lenart who's a member, and we brought our ward mission leader. After we left he stayed for a bit longer to chat with them. Later he texted us to let us know that he had stayed for another two hours just chatting with them and reading from the scriptures and ended up dedicating Sister lenart's home and talking about the priesthood. So basically, we have the coolest ward mission leader
Yesterday we had a goal by the end of the week for all of our district to hit standards this week. Sister Morales and I had everything figured out because we were making one girl new that night. She ended up getting sick and dropping oir lesson, so we suddenly had just a few hours to find someone new in order to hit standards. We went out for HOURS talking to people and trying to find someone interested. Finally, near the end of our time we ran across a man sitting on his porch who we almost didn't see. But we saw him and chatted with him about his dog and his old car. Finally we brought up the Book of Mormon and talked a bit about what it was. We ended up having an amazing conversation about why there are so many churches and he said he wanted to learn more. It was a great testimony builder that when you have a goal you really want to achieve, the Lord will help you out!
I've been pondering a lot this week on how grateful I am for how our Heavenly Father blesses us through others. The last couple of weeks I've been kind of spiritually drained. But this last week I had two seperate friends send me talks from General Conference for me to listen to and they were exactly what I needed. So, because I know it wasn't a coincident that it happened, I thought I would share one of my favorite quotes that talks about exactly that, from the talk "By Divine Design" by Ronald A Rasband (though he's quoting someone else in it)
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