Oops, I took a nap and just woke up about 20 minutes before prepartion day ends and now I have like no time to email and I haven't even called my family yet
Sorry family! I love you all! But it's alright because I've gotten to talk to them an incredible amount this week considering everything going on!
Wow, I heard from everyone about an EARTHQUAKE in Utah that could actually be felt and that sounds kinda crazy! Glad you're all safe to my knowledge 
Things are going great here! Yes, I am staying here, for anyone wondering since so many Missionaries are coming home. We were kinda slow and bored the first few days as we got the hang of things, but things are really looking up now. We've started having a Bible study with a girl we used to just teach basketball with (Side note: my basketball skill have gotten SO much better these last two transfers), but now we've finally been able to start teaching things! It's been neat to see little miracles like that 
We've gotten really creative with how to spend our time. There's been a lot of Facebook finding, reaching out to people back home, making calls to members ans people who used to be taught, and organizing a ward directory. But we haven't been sitting around wondering what to do, so I'll call that a win!
For any of you who may not have been able to take the sacrament this Sunday for any reason, we didn't get to either, so I know how you feel. Currently in the mission Elders are having the sacrament on their own and Sisters are permitted to go to members homes to partake of the sacrament. But because my companion has health issues we are not allowed to visit members for her safety. So, for the time being I won't be having the sacrament for a few weeks. I'm feeling a renewed sense of gratitude for the ability to take the sacrament when I can though. It's such an easy thing to take for granted, but it's the most important part of why we go to church so we can renew our covenants with our Heavenly Father and I'm so grateful for it
But we had our own little Sunday service at our apartment and studied together and tried to make the best of things.
Here's a scripture that has been standing out to me because I ran across it just a day or two after everything happened and it was such a good reminder that God has a greater plan in store and the Corona Virus is part of it. But he loves us and only does things for the benefit of his children!
2 Nephi 26:24
"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation."
So I'd like to invite you all to think about this question this week:
What am I learning or gaining out of all of this?
Sure love you all!
Sister Bliss
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