Hi friends and family!
We had an amazing and jam-packed week! I was talking to one of my companions this morning, Sister Postma, and we realized that in the time span of barely over a week (starting from last Saturday to Sunday yesterday) we had to plan a baptism, stake reports, zone conference, and talks for church. We're excited for this next week as we have no giant meetings to plan for!!
Zone Conference went very smoothly! It was the first Zone Conference as an entire zone since before quarantine. Because I was in the one zone back in March that did not get a Zone Conference due to COVID-19, I haven't had Zone Conference in person since February. While we did get to have a Specialized Training just a few weeks back, it was still a sweet surprise to have a more normal Zone Conference again. We still wore masks and social distanced, we were in the gym instead of the chapel, and it was shorter than a normal Zone Conference, but we did get to hear from Sister Ensign during Zone Conference for the first time in a while, the conference was longer than it has been in quite some time (almost 4 hours after it ran longer than planned), we got to listen to "This is the Christ" (our mission hymn), and we got to have departing testimonies in person for the first time since COVID-19! I was over joyed that this was the Zone Conference that would be my final one.
Going in, I thought that I'd make it through the whole meeting without a single tear. Then....Sister Ensign had to tear up to all the sisters about Sister Gallup and I leaving and the tears just came rolling! At the end we listened to "This is the Christ", and that got me again! I love that song because it reminds me of my first day in the field a year and a half ago. We met for a welcome meeting with the Welch's (the mission president and his wife at the time) and at the end we all sang "This is the Christ". Halfway through the song, all our trainers came in singing with us. As we all stood there singing, a wave of joy rushed over me as I thought to myself, "This is it. I'm here. I'm finally on my mission and I'm going to get to teach people about Jesus Christ." Overwhelmed with joy, I basically sobbed through the entire rest of the song and until we left the meeting
Ending my last Zone Conference with that special song was my last request of my mission, and I was so happy to get it.
After Zone Conference we scheduled time to clean up, have lunch, and then take our extra hour of exercise (COVID-19 perks) all at once so we could have a bit of a break after. We went home, laid down and we were OUT for that entire time. Sister Postma actually fell asleep during the day for the first time since she was a child. So apparently Zone Conference wiped us out!
We had lessons with our friends Patrick, Vanessa, and Cindy this week. All three of them were awesome and each gave beautiful prayers at the end of their lessons. Vanessa, the 10 year old we teach, said a beautiful prayer thanking God that we could read the Book of Mormon with her so she could understand it. Patrick, who's native language is French but he speaks English well enough to have a conversation, said a prayer in French last week but felt bad saying one because "Amen means you agree, but you can't agree if you don't understand what I'm saying". This time he tried praying in English for us so we could know what he says, and it was a BEAUTIFUL prayer. I love hearing prayers from people who are just starting out. I often forget how hard it is for people to say a prayer for the first time, but I love hearing those prayers because they are so heartfelt and sincere.
The last thing I want to leave you with is a talk I got to write for church. We each gave 5 minute talks based on a General Conference talk from the other week. I chose "Becoming Like Him" and wanted to share it because it wasn't super long and involved a poem that I shared in the MTC because it was really inspiring to me.
Sister Bliss' Sacrament Meeting Talk 10/18/20:
This General Conference was a powerhouse of talks about being unified and prepared. I left Conference feeling energized about the disciple I am striving to become. One particular talk on Saturday morning by Elder Scott D. Whiting really struck me. He spoke of becoming like our savior Jesus Christ. He said:
"But what if becoming “even as [He is]” is not figurative, even in our mortal condition? What if it is, to some degree, attainable in this life and, indeed, a prerequisite to being with Him again? What if “even as I am” is exactly and precisely what is meant by the Savior? Then what? What level of effort would we be willing to give to invite His miraculous power into our lives so that we can change our very nature?"-Elder Scott D. Whiting
Think about that. The invitation to become "even as [He is]"; the commandment to "be perfect even as [he] or [our father who is in heaven is perfect], isn't just figurative. Each day, we are striving to become more like Christ, in an effort to one day be like him. Elder Whiting gave a list of things to consider on our quest to become like Christ that I definitely recommend going back and looking over. As I read through his talk again I was struck thinking about by my own experience in trying to become more like him. I thought about what a blessing it is to us that we know that we can become like Christ, but I also quickly recalled how easy it can be to get discouraged at times when we look at the daunting mountain of imperfections that we have to overcome.
One such experience for me was when I chose to leave on a mission. I knew a mission would require a big change in the person I was if I was to truly be a representative of Jesus Christ each day. I looked at myself and my flaws. I could see just how far I was from being like Christ, and I quickly grew discouraged. But one day a poem was shared with me that will forever shape my outlook on the way Satan stops us from progressing.
"It was announced so the story goes,
That the devil was going to quit,
That all his tools would be up for sale the whole infernal kit.
Malice and envy, hatred and strife, each marked a bargain price,
Jealousy, pride, and otherwise
All implements of the vice.
A bad and sorry looking lot,
Attractively displayed,
But just apart from all the rest,
A wedge shaped tool was laid.
A harmless looking, simple tool,
Much worn as one could trace,
But higher priced than all the rest in that infernal place.
Then someone asked the devil what the wedge shaped tool was,
"Why that's discouragement", he said "it's higher priced because,
It's much more useful unto me,
Than any of its brothers.
It will prevail where I would fail,
With any of the others.
"Few people know it's mine and so,
It works wth perfect ease,
For once inside (I'll put you wise),
I do just as I please.
Just let me get the conscientious,
Discouraged, downcast, blues.
EUREKA, I have found a way,
Santanic work to do!"
Suffice to say the price to pay,
The devil for his "PET",
Was just too high, no one could buy,
And so he 's got it yet.
And what is more, he is using it,
And in these times of stress,
He no doubt finds DISCOURAGEMENT,
of all his tools the BEST!!!"
Discouragement is one of Satan's strongest tools against us. When our faith is strong and his more obvious weapons such as addictions, contention, or pride are no longer his strongest tools, he need only discourage us from continuing forward and our progression comes to a halt.
Discouragement does not come from Christ, and it does not help us become like him. As Elder Whiting said, "becoming like Him through His divine help and strength is achievable step by step". Throughout my mission I have seen firsthand that we can in fact become "like Him", though it won't be all at once. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, for his example to me of who I should strive to become, and most importantly, for his sacrifice and love for me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Sister Bliss
- Our group picture from Zone Conference, though it may be a little hard to find me 
-A couple pictures from Batesville when I went on an exchange with Sister Ross, one of the cutest people ever!
-We also went in exchanges with the Crittenden sisters and they took us to a cute place called Whippy Dipp. We're missing a couple of sisters here because the cones were gushing out all over the place and we needed a quick picture. But we did get (from left to right) Sister Ellis, Sister Cox, Sister Weaver, and me! We're just missing Sister Postma and Sister Olsen. I got red velvet cake dipped in birthday cake, which was crazy good 
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