"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" -2 Timothy 4:7
And just like that, the most strengthening year and a half of my life has just wrapped up. I'm so grateful for the lessons I've learned, the friends I've made, and the opportunities I've had to testify of Jesus Christ 

Temple Trip in the MTC with the best MTC district ever!
Bennett Bowen, Cameron Christensen, Emily Durland Henderson, Kylie Bliss, Madison Gallup, Hadlee Mattsson Bickmore (married name), Gia Guthrie, Emilee France
Arriving in Ohio!
President and Sister Welch, Sister Durland, Sister Bliss, Sister France, Sister Gallup, Elder Chidester, Sister Guthrie, Elder Beal, Sister Mattson, Elder Christensen, Sister Hines, Elder Compton, Elder Compton, Sister Michaelis, Sister Merchant
My first mission president, President Welch, and his wife
Not even the rain would stop Sister Priego and I from serving the Lord! Thank you for being the best trainer ever!
My district during my second transfer of my mission.
Cami Hawkins, Lindsay Gardner, Jesenia Priego, Kylie Bliss, Gabriel Brown, Damon Widmer, Kassel Leano, Karl Maeser
Sister Blaser, thanks for being amazing! Still so sad we only got 3 weeks together.
Sister Christensen, my third companion! I love you!! Thanks for all the fun times and good laughs.
My district my third transfer. The books represent how many transfers we had left, which is why I have ten. Oh how good it was to have so much time left back then!
Sister Schnepf, who trained my trainer and was my built in BFF. Thanks for being the best mission grandma EVER!
Visiting the Cincinnati Zoo with Sister Elliot
My Birthday dinner at Carrabba's Italian Grill! How did I get so lucky to have my favorite restaurant so close to me??
Sister Archibald, Elder Davis, Elder Bingham, Sister Hines, Sister Bliss, Sister Hedelius
Christmas picture with a few originals who came out with me.
Sister Merchant, Sister Mattsson, Sister Hines, Sister Durland, Sister Bliss, Elder Rodriguez, Elder Chidester, Elder Beal, Elder Compton
Is it really Christmas with your district if you don't have matching Christmas PJs?
Sister Geertsen, Sister Hawkins, Sister Stallcup, Sister Sisco, Sister Hines, Sister Bliss,
Elder Sumsion, Elder Page
We made a swinter swunderland and it was beautiful and grand (name that reference!) #syncronizedswimming
(Counterclockwise) Sister Bliss, Sister Archibald, Sister Geertsen, Sister Sisco, Sister Hines, Sister Durland, Sister Hawkins, Elder Page, Sister Stallcup, Elder Sumsion
Sister Morales and I stocking up right before being quarantined for COVID-19
Our district video call while in quarantine
(Clockwise) Elder Miller & Elder Ballard, Elder Pierce & Elder Rodriguez, Elder Wigington & Elder Montgomery, Sister Morales & Sister Bliss, Brother and Sister Cannon
Sister Coleman was literally the ost prepared and powerful trainee I ever could have asked for. Thanks for teaching me how to eat my hotdog correctly and boil my watermelon.
Sister Lamarche! The best two weeks ever!
Sister Merrell, Sister Nelson, and I. That was a party and a half!
Sister Bliss, Elder Taylor, Sister Ellis, Sister Lund, Elder Tolley, Sister Main, Sister Nelson, Sister Merrell, Elder Robinson recreating a painting at the church
Sister Merrell, Sister Nelson, Sister Main, Sister Ellis, Sister Bliss, Sister Lund, Elder Tolley, Elder Robinson, Elder Taylor
Sister Bliss, Sister Nelson, Sister Merrell
Sister Training Leaders and the Zone Leaders in homemade Cincy masks
Sister Bliss, Sister Odom, Elder Williams, Elder Chidester
Sister Bliss and Sister Odom
The Sister's Council 2.0
Sister Meade, Sister Lamarche, Sister Odom, Sister Bliss
Elder Chidester, Elder Williams, Sister Bliss, Sister Odom
Sister Ellis and Sister Bliss
The Northern Kentucky Family (there really was a purpose behind this)
Sister Bliss as Emo teen, Sister Ellis as the mom, Elder Chidester as Grandpa, Elder Bruce as the son, and Elder Williams as the dad.
Sister Postma, Sister Ellis, and Sister Bliss enjoying Goodfellas Pizzeria
Sister Postma, Sister Ellis, and Sister Bliss at the Florence Y'ALL water tower at the Florence, Kentucky Mall. The perspective here is cool!
Sister Ellis, Sister Postma, and Sister Bliss