Hi friends and family!
This has been a pretty amazing week, with General Conference and some neat lesson miracles. I still continue to be surrounded by spanish, but my skills are improving and Sister Coleman has started teaching me how to pray in Spanish, so that's chevre (cool).
Sister Coleman reminded me this week of the joy of missionary work. We had a really neat lesson with a woman named Carrie where Sister Coleman followed the spirit and shared a scripture that really stood out to her and then I followed the spirit to invite her to watch General Conference and Carry suddenly went from someone we were kind of just chatting about scriptures with to someone who was genuinely being taught! I left the conversation feeling really good, but I've had many similar experiences so I didn't think a ton of it. But Sister Coleman had just had her first miracle lesson and she got so excited she jumped up and ran around shouting and then made us have a dance party. I suddenly realized how easy it can be to take advantage of little miracles and was so grateful for her example to me of joy in missionary work.
We finally got a working oven, which was crazy because our oven hasn't been working for over a year now (I'm grateful no one person has had to deal with this problem the whole time since missionaries switch out all the time). But the man who brought the oven was named Jesus. Literally Jesus. Not pronounced like hay-suess, but pronounced like gee-zus. And as he left we were like "wait, we should give him a Book of Mormon" so we ran down the hallway yelling JESUS and gave him a book, which he accepted. It was kinda crazy and pretty cool!
We've been continuing to learn Family History and it's been such a neat experience! Before my mission I started doing a little bit of Family History with some help from my aunt Hilary (thanks again aunt Hilary!) and found some names that I got to take to the temple, including one woman named Bessie. When we started learning Family History here I wandered around a bit before I found myself at the same line in my family tree and started working where I left off, but with a little more knowledge of how to do things. THEN, Sister Cahoon, who has been teaching us Family History, went through my tree to find someone for me to practice some things on and she had me pull up a woman who just happened to be BESSIE'S SISTER! Since then I've done a lot of Family History in my down time and now have a good handful of names for my family to take to the temple when it opens again. I really know that as we do Family History work, we will be led to those who need us. We all have ancestors who are waiting and hoping for us to do their work for them so they can accept it, and Family History work is such a great way to bless their lives! While you're stuck inside anyway you may as well try spending your time doing some.
What did y'all think of General Conference? I loved it!
Saturday morning we were super excited and had everything set up to watch General Conference in our apartment. The opening prayer was said and the hymn began and we suddenly got a call from someone we're teaching. By the time we ended the call a couple minutes later, THE SITE FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE WOULDN'T WORK ANYMORE! After about five minutes of panicking and trying to fix it, we finally texted our District Leader an "SOS" message and asked to video call in and watch it with them because we knew they were going to the church to watch it in the Family History Center. So they called us and let us watch the first session of Conference through Facebook messenger! I really loved all the messages throughout Conference, especially Elder Holland's talk that mentioned Hope a lot because I love the topic of hope. I'm super excited about the new temples and can't wait to start memorizing the new Proclamation! let me know what your favorite part was 
Commitments of the week!
1. If you didn't get a chance to watch General Conference, PLEASE go watch it, because it was so good! You can find it on the church's website at churchofjesuschrist.org
2. While you're stuck inside, do some family history work on familysearch.org! It's such a wonderful thing to do, and if you need any help with it, there are always some family history consultants willing to help you out.
Have an amazing week!
Sister Bliss
*The one with the bandannas was because we were told to wear masks to the store but we didn't have any...so I wore the marauders map one that I got earlier in my mission
*the one with me pointing at a man hole is because of the initials KB and I was like HEY THAT'S ME
*The giant brick thing were next too is some sort of cool tower we ran across while walking one day for exercise
*We also made a sign for General Conference that we hung on our balcony this weekend. It was the best.
*and the one of us on our balcony is because we had an apartment party that just consisted of us all coming outside and making noise because we all want to be social but have to practice social distancing. Our neighbors took that picture of us
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