Happy Monday!
Fun things that happened this week:
1. Being asked to be a witness for Cheryl's upcoming baptism...
We planned the program for Cheryl's baptism in February! And she asked us to be the witnesses for it
I'm so excited for her, and it's so exciting working with their family because Georgia's a new member of the church, Cheryl's close to baptism, they have another family member we just picked up as a new person we're teaching, and another family member is someone the Elders are trying to reach out to. So they have someone at pretty much every stage of teaching and it's so fun to be involved with all of them.
2. 80-year-old Georgia thinking Elder Johansen is cute...
We stopped by to see Georgia and Cheryl the other day just as the Elders were coming by to do service for them. I'm so grateful we did because we got to witness Georgia meeting a new elder. Our elders are the Zone Leaders, so they were on exchanges and Elder Johansen from another area came here with Elder Wigington. Georgia took one look at Elder Johansen and turned to us and whispered "Oh, he's handsome!", which wasn't a surprise because she's talked about other elders similarly. But then she turned to him and shouted "You're cute!". So if you can picture an 80-something-year-old black lady telling an Elder he's cute then you can imagine how funny this was to us.
3. The man who started reading The Book of Mormon right then and there...
I was listening to a talk this week (Conversion of a Catholic, for any of you who have heard of it) and one part in it specifically stood out to me. Near the end, a woman was mentioned who joined the church late in life and god her patriarchal blessing. A patriarchal blessing, for those of you you don't know what that is, is a blessing that contains inspired direction from the Lord to give you guidance and comfort throughout your life. And in this woman's blessing she was told that she was meant to join the church 20 years earlier, but a missionary decided not to serve his mission so the Lord prepared another missionary to find her. She passed away about a week later.
I loved this because it shows just how important each missionary is. To all of my missionary friends out there, I want you all to know that you are important! No matter how little success you seem to have, if you weren't to serve a mission, someone would be missing out on hearing this special message for a time!
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week 
Sister Blis
-Me with the Miamisburg sign! This time I got the picture BEFORE my last day in the area!
-And me all bundled up because the weather the last few days has been a windchill of 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Hip hop hooray 
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