Hello! I didn't get time to proofread, so my apologies for any mistakes!
We had Zone Conference this week and at one point we split up so the sisters could have a training by Sister Ensign and the Elders could have one from President Ensign. For part of it Sister Ensign gave us an amazing training on not comparing ourselves to others (because sisters are bad at it). Below are her 11 steps to stop comparing 
Of course the grass is going to be greener on the other side if you're not watering your own garden.
2. Accept who you are
Accept your flaws and your imperfections and work from there.
3. Love your past
Your past made you who you are!
4. Know that this is not the end
This is not your last chance to improve. It is never too late to keep becoming better.
5. Be thankful for what you have
6. Know that you are not perfect
7. Be your own ally
When that mean voice inside your head tells you all your imperfections. Be your own ally and work against it!
8. Turn your comparisons into a pep talk
Look at others and their positive traits as something to learn from, not beat yourself up about
9. If you're going to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to yourself
Look at how far you've come and keep going!
10. Tell yourself a better story
When all you tell yourself is negative things, change what you tell yourself!
11. Take back what belongs to you
Take back your power. You can do it 
And last of all, if you forget everything else, remember to trust in the Lord!
Tuesday I had the wonderful opportunity to go out to eat with my Muhlestein grandparents
They live in Columbus Ohio, which has been really fun to know that they've been so nearby my whole mission. But I got permission this week for them to come take me and Sister Morales out to eat at a restaurant called El Meson that our neighbor owns. So we got really great food their and were even offered jobs. Then we went to Graeters for dessert!
I'm so grateful for my grandparents and all their support, as well as all the support, emails, and prayers from all my other family and friends because you're all so amazing!
For years, the scripture 1 Nephi 2:15 "And my father dwelt in a tent." has always stood out to me because of some Elders who came to dinner and shared a spiritual thought on it one time when I was young. But I could never remember for the life of me what they said about the scripture or why it was significant. That is, until I was reading in my original scriptures that my Bliss grandparents gave me when I was 8. Luckily I keep notes in my scriptures and ran across this scripture where I wrote next to it: "Even when we stand in Holy Places we may not end up where we thought we would."
And suddenly I remembered why this scripture was such a good one. Lehi and most of his family were very righteous people doing all they could to follow God's commandments, but they went through many hardships. They left all their lands and inheritance and dwelt in a tent. Lehi spent the majority of the rest of his life traveling in the wilderness and watching two of his sons gradually grow more wicked. He could have mourned over how much better life should have been for him after all his hard work, but he realized that
I hope all of you have an amazing week!
Sister Bliss
*Sister Peterson and I at exchanges
*Me and my grandparents 
*Sister Peterson, me, Sister Lewis, and Sister Morales during exchanges when we went out to a good ice cream place called scoops