I've learned that God is really watching out for us. I've had so many experiences recently with little miracles from God. One week the lesson in Sunday School was exactly what I needed to hear. A couple of times my mom sent me some packages of treats and things that I'd been thinking of that week but hadn't told her I'd wanted. And when my District Leader asked me to give a training, it was on the exact topic I'd been struggling to better understand the last two weeks. God knows us and is always there for us, even in the little things. We just have to be looking for them to notice them.
I've learned that prayers really do work. To be honest, back home I wasn't the best at praying. But I learned to pray more meaningfully out in a mission and now love to pray. And oh, have I been praying hard lately. I've had days in which I didn't know if I could make it through the day, and I've had moments in which I was ready to give up and go home. But as I've prayed for strengthen and guidance there have been days in which I have literally felt as if someone was helping pick me up off the floor and lift me through my day. I've recieved immediate answers of comfort while I've prayed. And I've felt God's love throughout my day as I've kept a prayer in my heart and asked him for help.
I've learned that journaling is so impotant. I've learned so many things through keeping a record of my experiences and what I've learned. And I'm so grateful that I'll be able to look back on all I've learned after my mission.
And most important, I've learned that having a testimony of The Book of Mormon is VITAL! I've had so many experiences on my mission in which I've been told I was wrong or been asked to question my beliefs. I've done that, and all I've found is sadness and darkness when I've let myself start losing something that I know to be true and something that will determine the rest of eternity for me. I'm so grateful that I've been able to gain a firm testimony of The Book of Mormon and see the blessings that have come from learning more about Christ 
So, crazy story about how my District Leader is so inspired. I've been studying how to recognize the spirit for like two solid weeks now, and suddenly he texted us to ask if I'd give a training in District Council on that exact topic a couple weeks from now. So maybe I'll finally figure out how to understand the spirit better
But I'm psyched to give a training on it. Training other missionaries and learning in the process is probably my favorite part of serving a mission thus far 
We had a couple neat experiences this week!:
We visited a member the other day and gave her a card just because we were thinking about her. The next day she texted us to tell us that the scripture we had in the card was exactly what she needed and we were definitely inspired to visit her. God is watching out for his children!
A few days later we talked to a man on the street who ended up being the brother of someone we'd been trying to find for weeks! And he told us that his Sister was trying to figure out who she is in life and was waiting for Missionaries to come back to talk to her!
I have never been more grateful for any experience in my life as I am for the opportunity I've had to be on a mission. I just hit 5 months in the field and I sincerely cannot believe it's been so long because it's flown by. I still have another 13 months to go and I look forward to every good and bad day to come so I can learn from it all.
Also General Conference is this weekend and I'm so psyched! I'd like to commit you all to have at least one question to pray for and listen for an answer at conference.
I hope you all have an amazing week!
Sister Bliss
A cute Plan of Salvation chalk drawing we did with some of the members.
What me and my companion do in the car...
And I got sick of my hair getting in the way of my name tag... so I chopped it 
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