I had a really neat dream last night that I wanted to share with y'all:
I was with a group of about three other missionaries. Two of them were Elders who were talking about The Book of Mormon (neither of them ones I recognize from my mission thankfully, because all the Elders in my mission are way better than this).
"Eh, I just read from the Bible usually. I've read The Book of Mormon before, but I don't read it very often now." One of the Elders said.
Then, in agreeance, another one added, "I mean, it's important to gain a testimony of it [in order to be a missionary], but I don't read from it every day now."
Their words made me ache. I felt an agony for them that I didn't know I could feel in a dream. And apparently they could see that because they turned to me and asked me what was wrong.
I got up, and I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of, "I just feel bad for those who don't have The Book of Mormon in their life or who don't read from it and let it help them. I've seen such powerful blessings come from it and it's helped me so much that I can't imagine not wanting to read from it. The Bible is amazing and should be read, but the power I've felt from The Book of Mormon is one that nothing else can be compared to.
It was a really amazing and powerful dream, but not because I got to share my testimony of The Book of Mormon in it. It was powerful because, in a way, I saw myself in those two Elders. Not in the way that I don't think The Book of Mormon is important or that I don't read from it every day. But I realized that I could be taking so much more advantage of it. I claim it to be this life changing book that's filled with so much power, but I'm not even immersing myself in it the way I would with just a really good book (those of you who know me as the school book nerd know what I mean). But The Book of Mormon really is such an amazing blessing to have in our lives, so never take advantage of it! 
This dream went in really well with an experience we had yesterday. We met this guy and ended up getting to bear really strong testimonies, and though we didn't get to set up a return appointment with him, it was still a really great moment for us because we've been trying to get better at really bearing our testimonies to people when we meet them.
We had interviews this week so we got to talk to the Ensigns and tell them how we're doing. I loved it because I've been really missing having my dad around to give me Father's blessings when I need one, so I finally asked for a priesthood blessing from President Ensign. I have such a testimony of blessings. The priesthood is such a wonderful thing and I feel so blessed to have always had worthy priesthood holders around me.
This week we also had zone contacting day! So basically we set a goal of how many people we as a zone wanted to talk to that day. Sister Christensen and I kept joking about wanting to talk to 80 people that day (our goal as a district) so we ended up actually setting our goal for 60 people because go big or go home! We didn't reach our goal, but because we set it so high we made sure to go above and beyond when it came to talking to everyone that day and we talked to almost 40 people! And our zone talked to over 500 people that day! It was so much fun to stretch ourselves and more than double the normal amount of people we talk with on a normal day.
This week we have transfer calls, so we'll get to find out if we're both staying, which we probably are.
My invitation to you all this week is:
Take a look at your life. Are you really living the way you claim to be living? If you claim God to be most important to you, are you really acting on that? The same goes for family or education or whatever you claim to hold close.
Have a great week!
Sister Bliss
Our very punny note to Paul, a guy we're teaching, which he greatly appreciated 🤣
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