We finally got to meet the bishop of the ward! We've only been here 4 weeks now 🤣 He was out of town the whole time we were here, so yesterday was our first official meeting with him.
We also had an amazing training in District Council where one of the Elders going home told us the best thing he's learned on his mission that works for missions and back home:
We all have things we can and can't control. We can control our attitude, if we're obedient, if we serve and love people, how we use our time, and things like that. The list of things we can't control is far larger. We can't control if people like us, if we have a difficult companion, how good the weather is, if those we teach drop us or don't progress what choices our family members and friends make in life, and so many other things! Most of the time, the things we stress the most about are the things we can't control. As we learn to worry about perfecting the things we can control, we reduce so much stress and become far better missionaries, disciples, friends, parents, and people in general.
My commitment of the week is:
Look at the things you stress about in life. Can you control it? If not, then focus on something you can control, like how you react to the situation, or what you personally can do to make it better.
I hope you all have a great week! keep working hard and being the best person you can be. And remember that God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He just expects us to do our best and be a little bit better every day.
Sure love you all!
-Sister Bliss
*Us with President and Sister Ensign at a baptism this week 
*I love the story about President Gordon B. Hinckley's dad telling him while he was on his mission to "Forget yourself and go to work". I've found that as I focus on others, whether it be one mission or back home, that's when I'm the happiest because I'm not focusing on myself. So I wrote the quote down to remind myself every day.
*Another quote that I just thought I'd include :) and a picture of Christ that I love because his hand is always outstretched to help us up when we feel like we're drowning 
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