¡Hola familia y amigos!
I told Sister Coleman I was going to make "Sueños Leche" my subject line and she begged me not to so I almost did it. Until I got a more exciting subject line. But, background on the spanish: I was trying to find out how to say "sweet dreams" in Spanish so I could say "¡Buenos noches! Dulce sueños." (Good night! Sweet dreams.) However, the hint Sister Coleman gave me as I was trying to figure it out was "Think of dulce de leche" so I shout "Sueños Leche!" and she cringed so bad that it stuck ever since. So if you're ever having a bad night, at least you're not stuck with someone who says "Good night, milk dreams" to you in spanish every night.
Now, about my actual subject line...
So, we made some awesome progress with a friend of ours who was on date for baptism a few months back but fell off date due to a few different hurdles. Well, we put him back on date this week when suddenly one of those hurdles came back up with fury. I just got called to repentance over text because he thinks he's a prophet and is recieving prophetic visions for us... I think I know what our next lesson needs to be about. If any of you have ever had to explain to someone that they're not a prophet, I'd love some tips asap.
We pulled a Preach My Gospel chapter 14 this week, "flirt to convert". We've been working more on Facebook and messaging people to offer the gospel, so this week we friended a bunch of people and both immediately got messages from old divorced men. I offered the gospel to one man who messaged me and got a reply back that just said "I’m looking for companionship I thought u might be so sorry for bothering you" so, after much cringing, I replied with, "Oh, so sorry! No, I'm just trying to share with others how Jesus Christ can be the best companion. Would you be interested in hearing a message about Christ and learning how his companionship can bless your life?"
Anyway, I might have a lesson set up up with him this week. But also, probably not. Sister Coleman was much more successful in her flirt to convert efforts.
Disclaimer: There was no actual flirting that ever occured from our end. Just dodges and a sudden realization that we need to be more careful about not friending divorced old men.
We had a really neat miracle this week that I didn't even get to see because I was on a phone call and looking the other direction. Therefore, I just got to hear Sister Coleman's version of it. We were driving a few days ago and came to a stop sign, when suddenly a car came turning in toward us, going way too fast to slow down before it would hit us. Instead of hitting us, it skidded as it turned and missed us, barely making the turn without hitting us. Sister Coleman has no doubt in her mind that there were angels looking out for us that day because that car should have slammed into us. Hearing this story reminded me of just how much I've learned on my mission that we truly do have angels watching over us and there are miracles that happen all the time that we don't even know about. I could very easily be in the hospital right now and I wouldn't even know about the miracle that occured without Sister Coleman seeing it. I hope you all remember that even when you don't see miracles, they're there 
Speaking of guardian angels, have any of you ever wanted to learn more about Family History or know anyone who does? If so, Sister Coleman and I will be doing a FACEBOOK LIVE this Saturday at 2 pm to do a short intro video to Family History and showing how to search a family member on the family tree app. Then we want to start doing some more fun little live videos about how to do Family History. We're hoping to have some outreach to our neighbors and friends who may not be interested in hearing the gospel right now but would be more than willing to hear about their families.
Do y'all remember when I first got to Miamisburg and talked about having to teach a girl basketball, which was funny because I don't play basketball? So that same girl recently started progressing with the missionary lessons! She's been wanting to video call all through quarantine and we finally had to break it to her that we couldn't just call her every day because we have an important job as missionaries. We said we would love to share the gospel with her but can't just call her if she just wants to chat, so she said she wanted to learn more and we set up a lesson. We're certain she was just trying to get us to keep talking to her, but we felt that we should go with it anyway. But during out first lesson she asked a question about Satan that led into us teaching her about the premortal life and all of The Plan of Salvation and now she wants to learn more!
That experience made me realize just how many people want to hear that God has a plan for them, but don't know it right now. So, for my spiritual thought tonight I just wanted to share the lyrics to the primary song "I Lived in Heaven". We're so lucky to have the knowledge we have about The Plan of Salvation. As you read these lyrics, think about how special it is that YOU get to know your Heavenly Father's plan for you 
1.I lived in heaven a long time ago, it is true;
Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you.
Then Heav’nly Father presented a beautiful plan,
All about earth and eternal salvation for man.
2.Father said he needed someone who had enough love
To give his life so we all could return there above.
There was another who sought for the honor divine.
Jesus said, “Father, send me, and the glory be thine.”
3.Jesus was chosen, and as the Messiah he came,
Conquering evil and death through his glorious name,
Giving us hope of a wonderful life yet to be
Home in that heaven where Father is waiting for me.
Quote of the week:
"I am a trainee and I am worthless." -Sister Coleman
To be completely honest I can't remember where that came from or why, but we've been referencing her saying that all week. I've also assured her it's not true, but she she still keeps making the same joke.
Have a great week!
Sister Bliss
-Sister Coleman and I getting excited about Family History as always
-The coolest car EVER
-I am currently sitting and writing this email is the prettiest place ever. I'm in love with Ohio 
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