Hola mi familia y mi amigos!
The "field trip version" (see last email if you're confused by this): I helped teach a lesson in Spanish. The Wright Brothers lived in Dayton Ohio, near where I live now. Elder Christofferson had a zoom call with our mission. A funny line in the Book of Mormon. Transfers are happening AGAIN. God is not an author of confusion. P-Day is next Thursday.
We've been messaging a lot people on Facebook recently who speak Spanish. Sister Coleman has been super excited. I, on the other hand, have been frantically learning how to pray and say my testimony in Spanish, knowing full well I will have to be a part of any lessons she has with them. So yesterday I studies a few things I'd need to know to say my testimony and a prayer. Then that evening we had an English lesson with our friend Arnolfo, and at the end of the lesson Sister Coleman asked if knew what we taught as missionaries. He was super open and they got talking about the Book of Mormon. So really, it was Sister Coleman doing the teaching, but I did actually get to bear my testimony in Spanish (plus a little bit in English) and I shared a scripture that Sister Coleman has me read in Spanish! And then I said a killer spanglish prayer at the end. Sister Coleman asked me to say the prayer and she didn't actually mean I had to say it in Spanish, but I'd been studying prayers in Spanish that day so I pulled out my notes and went for it. I did have to throw in some English at times, but I was pretty proud of myself. And the best part was I was able to understand most of what Sister Coleman was saying throughout the lesson, so I knew what was happening when I needed to say something. It was so cool!
Fun fact about Ohio!
The first airplane, airport, and permanent flying school, all made by the Wright brothers, were in Dayton Ohio. I currently live in Kettering Ohio (serving in the Miamisburg ward) and Dayton is just a couple miles away from me. We went on a field trip to see a bunch if outdoor historical sites about the Wright brothers and it was so cool!
This week we got to have a mission zoom devotional with Elder D. Todd Christofferson this week and it was amazing. He told us we were all his companions, which probably all of our favorite part
Elder Christofferson is an especially neat person to have visit our mission because he knows our mission President and his wife personally and talks them up like crazy.
Fun scripture find of the week!
After the prison holding Alma and Amulek fell apart, the people came to see what was happening. When they saw Alma and Amulek they were afraid,
"and [they] fled from the presence of Alma and Amulek even as a goat fleeth with her young from two lions"
I have no interesting revelations or fun facts about that specific line, I just thought the visual that described their running was funny.
So last week we had transfers again (we're currently having them every two weeks) and we got a new district leader, Elder Koudelka, and we have Dayton Elders again after losing them for about a transfer! We also got a new Zone Leader. If you remember about 5 months ago or so I told a story about how the Elders came to do service at the same time we came to visit Georgia (the cute 80-year-old recent convert, the mother of Cheryl who was baptized while I was here). The Elders were on exchanges and Elder Johansen, who has been my Zone Leader in the past, was visiting for the day and Georgia was IN LOVE with him

Yeah, well, he's our Zone Leader and serving in the Miamisburg area now. She's going to be so excited if we're ever let free and she gets to meet him again.
1 Corinthians 14:33 says:
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace."
This scripture really hit me recently as someone we were teaching kept texting us scriptures to prove that we were wrong about something. In the midst of the scriptures he sent was included this one scripture that reminded me that God doesn't seek to confuse us, which was the only thing this guy was trying to do to us. I also was reminded that The Book of Mormon brings nothing but peace, and the objections I hear against it bring nothing but confusion. I can finally say that I've seen lives change during my mission and it's a wonderful thing to witness. But without fail, the thing that always changes lives is the Book of Mormon. 
Just a heads up, next week our P-Day is being moved AGAIN due to 30 new missionaries coming in, so I'll be sending out an email next Thursday instead of Monday.
Talk to y'all then!
Sister Bliss
P.S. "Yo sé qué..." is Spanish for "I know that..." so basically, saying your testimony in Spanish is ridiculously easy.
*We visited "St. Anne's Hill" last Thursday for our P-Day, which seems to be some cute neightborhood with fun German art and buildings in Dayton
*Did I ever mention an old 100-year-old hamburger wagon stand called the "Hamburger Wagon" in downtown Miamisburg? If not, I apologize. Please go visit it one day because it's the bomb and they sell tiny hamburgers with onions and pickles. That's it. No need for anything else.
*The outside of the Wright brothers museum that we couldn't go into because of COVID-19
*A new mural is being painted in downtown Miamisburg of a bunch of famous movie characters. In fact, if you look in the background you can see that the woman was working in the mural as I took the picture. It should be done by now and we'll definitely be heading back to get another picture of the final product.