Happy Mother's Day yesterday to all the moms out there, all the women who have basically been like moms to me when I've been away from home (I have a few friends and roommates especially who can claim this), and especially to my own wonderful mother! I don't know what I would do without her because she's the best person mom I could ever have hoped for! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and got to do something special.
Update on a few of the people we're teaching:
MADDY - Maddy is a member referral who we've been in touch with for quite some time but had to get permission from her guardians to officially teach because she's under 18. But, we finally got that permission this week and have set up a lesson with her! That may not sound like much, but it's a miracle to us for sure. She's super sweet and joined a scripture study this last Saturday with the Young Women that we run and had a great time.
CARRIE - I think I've mentioned Carrie in the past, but in case I haven't, she's a cute older lady who we've been teaching for some time but who hasn't progressed much recently. But this week we prayed about what to do and decided to give her a call and see how interested she really is. By the end of the call we'd discussed doing frequent scripture studies with her and teaching her Family History! We had our first introduction to Family History a few days ago and we wanted so badly to help her find an ancestor to get her excited to learn more, but no matter who we looked up or how much information we had, we couldn't find anyone. We looked up three of her ancestors, with no luck, before she finally pulled from her personal folder a paper of information about a specific ancestor her dad would always tell her about, but whom she didn't know anything about. To our surprise, when we looked her up we found TONS of information about her and her family, including a picture! Carrie had never seen that ancestor before and she was so happy she began to cry. It was so special to see how powerfully Family History can impact someone 
EMILY - Emily, the girl from tumblr, came to our young women scripture study which was focused on prayer. When we asked how anyone had seen answers to prayers she shared her experience of how she was praying for help meeting missionaries and then ran across my post on tumblr and now she's meeting with missionaries! However, we did have to pass her over to the Elders in her own state this week, which was a sad moment, but the Elders who are teaching her seemed great, so she'll be well taken care of and I'll definitely stay in touch!
We got to call into a Spanish Branch zoom meeting for Sister Coleman and it was a neat experience because I couldn't understand anything that was said but it still felt like I was part of any English ward becasue it's the same church and the same spirit that was there.
Spiritual thought of the week:
Sister Coleman shared this talk with me and I listened to it and was blown away. It's called "What Is the Blueprint of Christ's Church?" and it's from a worldwide devotional. I'll include a link below. But it's really neat because it dives into the Bible and studies what Christ's original church was like and compares it to his church today. It covers a number of topics such as Christ and Heavenly Father being two sepetate beings, baptisms for the dead, priesthood and patriarchs, and so much more! And everything has Biblical references to back it up. It's such a great testimony builder that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's church today. Definitely go give it a read!
Have a fantastic week!
Sister Bliss
*Sister Coleman is known for turning to me and saying "will you take a picture of me?" So I have a thousand random pictures of her on my phone. This week I started doing the same thing, so here are a few of my random pictures with manholes and signs!
*Also, please enjoy this wonderful picture of Sister Coleman's salad and me eating a sandwhich
*The picture of us with the tall tower in the background is Carillon Bells. It's a bell tower with 57 bells and it's located about a mile away from us. On mother's day we walked to it for our exercise time and it seemed to be playing music all day in celebration 
*We got mission shirts that say "Spreading the Gospel and nothing else" with our mission logo and "COVID-19 Pandemic" on the back. They're the best.
*There's a cool place called the "Miamisburg Mound" and it's one of the neatest ancient sites around, so we visited it today and it was really tall and neat. I'd include more info but I'm short on time so just go look it up!
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