Hello friends and family!
Happy day after the superbowl! I heard KC won and that that's a big deal or something, but that's about the extent to my knowledge. We did make it to a superbowl party yesterday, which was really fun considering we obviously didn't go for the game
Our apartment complex had a get together so we went to a little bit of it to get to know some more people in the complex. I hope those of you who watched it had a great time.
The other day we were talking about glasses with some people we're teaching and a member and I mentioned not being able to see and Cheryl commented:
"Yeah, I looked over the other day and was like "Those are cute glasses" and then I was like "Whoah, they're thick. She REALLY can't see!"" 
On Saturday, Cheryl had her baptism interview to ensure that she was ready to be baptized. Our District Leader, Elder Adams, interviewed her while we waited in another room with her mom Georgia. When they came out of the interview they were both kind of quiet. Cheryl looked at us and shook her head and said she just wasn't ready yet. Knowing her testimony was strong and that we'd JUST went over the questions with her the day before, I knew there was something off. So I stared down Elder Adams until he broke and cracked a grin, and then I ran up and gave Cheryl a hug. Apparently she wanted to mess with us and was gonna keep it going! But all's well because she's ready and getting baptized on Saturday!
We've been crazy busy planning Cheryl's baptism, and it's been some of the most fun I've had on my mission! Georgia is a recent convert but hasn't been to the temple yet because of something weird with her membership records, so our goal is to get them there together soon after Cheryl's baptism. When we told Georgia that the ward was working on getting her records fixed so she could get to the temple, she stood up and danced! Which was so cute because she has a lot of pain and doesn't walk well, but she was so excited at the thought of finally going to the temple that she couldn't help it. And yesterday we did some family history with the two of them and helped them find their first name to take to the temple! It's been an exciting time for them and it's been so eye opening to me of the importance of the temple and what a blessing it is to be able to go. We don't have a temple in our mission so I haven't been able to visit the temple since the MTC. I feel bad that I always took it for granted because it was such a blessing to have one close enough to visit any time I wanted. New members of the church don't take it for granted though. I could have sworn we were telling Georgia she was getting a free pass to Disneyland!
On another note, we've started to teach a couple of neat new people recently.
Randall is the miracle person I mentioned a couple of weeks back but didn't say any more about. We were looking at some of the former people Missionaries had reached out to and found a referral from a member who had never been contacted due to their house not existing. So we took it upon ourselves to find this missing house. Sure enough, when we got to the neighborhood it was nowhere to be found, but Sister Morales was determined, so we hunted for it! And then we found it hidden behind another building! When we knocked on the door we found that the referral no longer lived there, but Randall did, and he was more than happy to hear our message. He's legally blind so he can't read the Book of Mormon, but he let us download the app on his phone and started listening to it right then. We've taught him twice since then and he's always been ready with questions, has been super open to our message, and has been listening to little bits of the Book of Mormon between our lessons.
Matthew is the boyfriend of a less active who recently moved here. We've been over a couple of times to meet them and have seen Matthew's strong faith in Christ. He writes really good Christian music and is even writing a book about how Christ has helped him through was crazy things in his life, and he'll go on and on telling us his stories. So when his girlfriend told us that he'd been interested in learning some more, it came as a bit of a surprise. We're right near the bible belt here, so the people are very religious and we get a decent amount of bible bashing (People using the bible to bash at our religion). Therefore, it's more normal for someone who's really religious to be happy exactly where they're at and have no desire to hear anything of what we teach. So when Matthew was super accepting of the Book of Mormon and said he'd start reading it before we come over next, we were pumped!
Well those are the highlights of my week!
Sure love you all!
Sister Bliss
*Me loving the good weather. It's February and we were able to do our companion study outside yesterday!
*Yesterday (02/02/2020) we had a lesson with a member at 2:02 pm. Yes, it was the best lesson we've ever set up.
*And the last one I included is just for kicks and giggles because The Princess Bride is the best
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