Hello friends and family!
The last couple of weeks have been crazy. Sister Hines has this amazing curse where everyone just gives her stuff, so ever since she got here everyone's been giving us stuff! A guy we're teaching gave us a whole backpack of food, a woman we're friends with but aren't teaching bought us quiche's, a member gave me a blanket when she found out I only had one, and then her husband took us out for a nice meal with their family a few days later! And that's not even everything! Fingers crossed Sister Hines stays with me the rest of my mission 

I experienced the most awkward thing of my entire mission. Long, complicated story short, we set up a baptism interview for someone who showed up and then just wanted to hang out and refused to have the interview. So if any of you ever feel bad about an awkward encounter, just think of me awkwardly standing around with some Elders who are expecting to have an interview that didn't happen. Worst experience of my life. But the guy was totally chill after and reached out to invite us over for a lesson, so at least he isn't upset with us 🤷♀️
Milford's a fun place because it really tests your abilities. It's the only area in the mission that didn't have a single baptism during the whole 3 years that president Welch was the mission president. And it's nearly impossible to find people who are actually interested in learning from the Missionaries. The people here are super nice, and the members are killer when it comes to doing missionary work, but the teaching aspect of this area is really rough. Which makes it hard to learn how to actually teach. My focus of this transfer is to learn how to teach more effectively because it's the thing I've done possibly the least of on my mission (quite surprising considering I thought teaching was a lot more common in missionary work)
Halloween was a blast! We got to go to a ward party and brought our neighbor, who we're now teaching; we helped out with a Halloween carnival with a bunch of other sisters and rode in a firetruck; and then had three dinners Halloween night including a normal member dinner, a member's Halloween party, and pizza that our neighbor brought us.
Our District Leader, Elder Goodwine gave a training the other week on knowledge. He started it by turning to Elder Page, an elder in our district who has never read or watched Harry Potter, and asking him to describe the fourth one the best he could. His description was "Harry Potter uses magic". Elder Goodwine then turned to me and asked me to do the same thing. When Sister Hines tells the story she says "And then 5 minutes later Sister Bliss was like "onto chapter 2"." which is a big exaggeration but basically how I felt.
His point was to explain that we have to know something in order to teach it. Elder Page was 100% correct. Harry Potter did in fact use magic. But my explanation was a lot more entertaining because I knew what I was talking about. It was a great example of how important it is for me (and everyone) to know what's in The Book of Mormon if we want to be able to tell others about it!
Love you all!
*Me and Sister Hines on Halloween (the one of us in the car that doesn't look special because we didn't dress up)
*Sister Murdock and I at Graeter's during exchanges 
*The Montgomery sisters and us during our halloween carnival we helped with
*The Montgomery sisters and us with Sister Elliot (the mission nurse) when we went to the zoo last week.
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