First of all, we have our car back! For now... Later this week we have to take it in to actually have it fixed, but at least we haven't been walking all week in the meantime.
I would like to proudly announce that I have choked down my two first cheesy meals! For those of you who don't already know this, I'm a weird person and don't like cheese in a lot of cases. This last week we had one day where we had lunch with a new member who fed us ham sandwiches filled with melted cheese, and then for dinner we were fed homemade mac and cheese from another member who prides himself in how much cheese he makes it with. So that was one of two days this week that the meal we had actually made me physically sick. But at least I survived it!
There are so many bugs in Ohio compared to Utah, and they're a lot bigger too! The other day we came home and I opened the window to our room for some fresh air and layed down because someone fed me food that made me sick. Well, apparently we don't have a window screen and there are lots of bugs here that like coming inside...As I was sleeping a nice, big, black beetle of some sort flew through our window and onto our closet door. So Sister Priego freaked out and woke me up and made me take care of it. It only took me an hour to get up the courage and do something about it by putting a box over it after it finally fell to the ground... Never again will I open the window here.
On Saturday we ran across this guy who bible bashed us, and it was my first time being bible bashed, so that was exciting (it was not exciting). It was a tough experience to deal with, but ultimatly it led me to feel even more grateful for the Book of Mormon and the clarification and understanding it gives us. The next day we had a scripture study with a cute older lady named Annette who's a new convert, and her excitment when I showed her Isaiah 29:10-14 where the Bible foretells of The Book of Mormon made me remember why I'm here and why I'm excited to help people.
I'm so grateful to be here in Ohio serving the Lord. I've already had to experience my testimony waver in the short time I've been here, but because coming on a mission was such a priority to me and my testimony was so strong coming into my mission I only grew stronger because of that experience. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I love the Bible and the things it teaches us and I'm so grateful that that we have The Book of Mormon to read along side it and to help increase our knowledge of Christ's gospel. I'm so grateful for the power of prayer and that I have a loving Heavenly Father to lead me through my life.
I love every single one of you and am so grateful that I have so many wonderful people cheering me on 
Sister Bliss
Question of the week:
What's the most exciting thing that's happened to you in the last month! I want to hear about how life has been since I left :) Also, thank you again to everyone who sent me quotes last week. I loved them all!
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