Happy Monday everyone!!
I could not think of any reference or joke that I could make about being set free besides quoting Dobby the house elf. So that is how I am choosing to announce some EXCITING QUARANTINE UPDATES! I have some other things to mention first, but then I'll give the official update (Spoiler, we're not completely free yet).
The "Field Trip" version:
Things I've learned on my mission and a poem I wrote; awesome updates on quarantine; we have no social skills anymore; we planned out a book; we made a kid History version of a Book of Mormon story
The Full Version:
This week has been full of a lot of stuff, but I'll try to keep it short because of lack of time.
All through quarantine I have loved the faith building experience this has been and I've been mostly nothing but happy with our situation because of the miracles I was able to see. Xenia has been a little bit harder because we don't have many people to teach and things feel a lot slower here. So, I'm sharing this story because it's a little funny to look back on, and I saw some miracles after and was reminded of things I have learned on my mission. Last Monday night we finished up for the day and one of my companions looked over at me and asked me if I was okay and for the first time in quarantine I had an actual breakdown because I finally wasn't doing well. My companions were awesome and helped me feel better and thkng were all okay. Then, the following days were amazing because we got some responses from people on Facebook, we found out that the Facebook rules aren't as strict as we were told a few weeks ago, we were given amazing updates on quarantine, and I was given a moment to reflect back on my misson and the things I've learned through all the hard times.
Several months ago, not long before quarantine hit, I wrote a poem about the struggles I'd had earlier in my mission and the things I'd learned because of it. I thought about it a lot this week and thought I would share it this time in my weekly.
"It's funny how something so precious and sweetCould also be something that's this hard to beat.
I worked and I prayed and I put on a fight,
I wanted to be here to do what was right.
To help spread the gospel to young and to old,
Only to find that I couldn't be bold.
"I couldn't trust God, despite what I tried,
As I pushed and I scrambled along for the ride.
I struggled in ways I thought that I wouldn't,
And when I tried teaching I found that I couldn't.
For I found when I tried to speak eloquently
I stuttered and struggled with difficulty.
"But I look back to see just how much that I've grown
Through the hardships and tears and feeling alone.
For I've learned that I always have someone beside me,
As long as I'm worthy, to lead me and guide me.
And those places I'm weak have best taught me by far
That our God knows exactly where each of us are.
"Yes, a mission is harder than I've ever known,
But the joy that I've felt truly has shown
That this lifelong commitment I've chosen to do
Has made me a person completely brand new.
Who may still have trials and weakness galore,
But knows that they help her trust God that much more."
We were put into phase 1 as missionaries this week. That means we can:
-Go to church when we have it (once every three weeks. We rotate with the other wards)
-Meet as a district for District Council again
-Get together with our districts every other preparation day
-Meet with people in person again! But preferably outside, and we have to be 6 feet apart with masks on.
We had our first in person visit with some members yesterday and it was so unbearably awkward. None of us have any in person social skills anymore apparently. Then Sister Nelson got worried about going home in a couple of weeks and now she thinks she's going to be super awkward. So today we did the most missionary thing ever and she turned to me and said "Sister Bliss, I need you to roleplay with me how I'm going to act when I go home." It was a great time, and Sister Nelson is totally going to be fine.
Sister Merrell, Sister Nelson, and I all started putting together a book this week. We were discussing what characters we would be if we were in a book and decided Sister Merrell would be the hero, Sister Nelson would be the villian, and I would be the old wise woman who's basically the Dumbledore of the book. We then proceeded to include our whole district and it started spiraling and now we have a full fledged series planned out

We made a Kid History style video of Nephi breaking his bow! If you haven't seen Kid History, go look it up on youtube. But Sister Nelson's little sister told the story and we acted it all out for her and it's really funny to hear a child's voice every time I speak in the video. We're still putting it together and then it'll be posted to Facebook.
Overall it was a stellar week

I hope you all have an amazing week!!
Sister Bliss
*A couple pictures of me and my companionship while out for a walk
*Us and the Sister Training Leaders during our exchange walk (we still can't have exchanges overnight so we just go for a walk)
*Our killer photoshoot while filming Nephi's bow (Sister Nelson is Nephi, Sister Merrell is Laman, and I am Lemuel)
*Sister Merrell as Lehi
*A picture that is my favorite stalker photo of me praying during stalker challenge part 1.
P.S. we finished round 2 two this week and I demolished the competition.

(From another, short earlier email about today's email.... )
"But it probably won't be ridiculously long (I hope) because (spoiler) we were released from quarantine a little bit! I'll explain more in my weekly, but basically we can group every other week now so of course our district is going for a hike today. So I have less time to write and I won't just hoosier you over email.
Fun fact! Hoosier = someone who talks a lot. It's a word that somehow became a thing in the mission and will forever be part of my vocabulary now. Have you ever known someone who just talks a LOT and you don't know what to call them other than a person who talks a lot? Well, we call them hoosiers. Now you can too. You're welcome

Other fun fact: a hoosier is legitimately actually just someone who is from Indiana (we have part of Indiana in our mission). Maybe people in Indiana just talk a lot and that's how it became a thing.'